Now, this may seem preposterous, but I dare say not treasonous. Just exactly how much can you safely envision nowdays without being renditioned to Guantanamo Bay?
Northern California considered splitting from southern California a few times, Northern Virginia from the sluggish runt of a capital in Richmond, but actually defecting U.S. soil to Native American reservations?
Uttering the words 'Revolt' and 'Revolution' seem dangerous too. But what gives? I learned Freedom of speech and the Constitution and all that, and now everyone is fucking scared to talk.
Is there no such thing a Philosophy anymore? The Nazi Agenda still exists, and I am afraid of it, but it does not seem to be illegal to support it and freely discuss it. But say Revolution....and what, am I headed to GBay? I Do not condone and will not engage in illegal activities, ever. I only want to make clear that Revolution was a term our founding fathers used when describing how to hold our government accountable.
I hope the Swedes don't get J.A. I said all along the Government here is gunning for him after the Bank Scandal announcement back last November.
Run Julian, ruuuuuuun...
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