Monday, August 1, 2011

Biochar and Marijuana

In this day and age is hard to think about other uses for marijuana, considering the legal implications and market demand. But what if we are so short-sighted that science can't even think outside the box long enough to consider that marijana could be our Holy Grail to soil biology?

Biochar, first documented in the 1960's, has been discovered across the entire south american continent. It's been revealed that the Mayans, who perfected the recipe for mass biochar production, clearly understood the superiority of this black gold. They made entire countrysides of black soil, carbon-based and stepped with micro cabinets and cupboards for nutrients to store themselves into. These plains were created and stand anywhere from 8 inches deep to 8 feet deep.

The process from which biochar is created is understood, but in no way can it be manufactured on the incredible scale the Mayans had. That recipe is lost.

Maybe it has just been rediscovered.



...if you will, hectares of fields, as large as the local community themselves, bursting with marijuana flower and their terpene scents. Imagine if tons of marijuana were harvested from Mother Earth and put to use as it was provided ~ not for medicine, but for a fuel.

Imagine large clay pools carefully formed so as to seal air, but with a mechanism that can release gases so as to allow pyrolysis (burning in absence of oxygen) from the bottom and sides. The pools are layered with refuse from the locals - husks, leaves, anything that constitutes biomass. Between layers, kilos of dried, cured marijuana are stacked in, leaving multiple layers consisting of 50% biomass, 50% marijuana. The pools are sealed with a layer of clay for an air tight lid. The next pool was build adjacent, and the next one to that.

The marijuana would act to generate incredible heat, and given time, the biomass would burn within the hardened clay coffin and release wood vinegar gases beneath, further heating the entire clay 'skillet'. The top clay lid would also bake beneath the sun. The temperatures could theoretically approach the 300 degrees required to induce pyrolsis and thus create the end product - biochar.

This theory can be substantiated by the fact that clay shards are littered within these artifact fields. Could these clay pieces be the top shell and ribbed walls of endless chains of biochar pools?

Unfortunately, the question of legality prevents study of all the dynamics of this incredible plant. It could be that our cultural demonizing of marijuana could keep us from rediscovering Real Secrets of the Old World.

Also, the demand for marijuana as a commodity would prevent many people from composting perfectly good pot ~ in the name of science.


The Biochar Solution by Albert Bates

Teaming With Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Honey Bees: The Smoking Gun

"I don't think anyone really has a clue as to what's going on, but if it turns out to be cell phones, it's the greatest metaphor in the history of metaphors. Starving the planet in pursuit of one more text message to your broker seems the very epitome of going out with a whimper, not a bang".

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Credit. Um, do I really want this?

I have always been an opponent of the credit system we have in place today. For instance, credit institutions have the right to judge you based on a number, and make decisions that directly affect the life of you and your family. Landlords may refuse to rent to you based on poor scores. Banks may refuse to grant you a bank account if you do not have credit. And now,
says that if you have a low credit score, you are less than good looking.
What? So, if I have a score of less than 600, I am perceived as fat, bald and unattractive, while my fellow 'credit score buddies' with a +700 and have a physical appearance resembling Michael Phelps?

People were so horrified in the 40's when Hitler started his campaign against virtually all human rights. Many people couldn't believe that we actually allowed so much disparity to proliferate before our very eyes. Ever hear of 'Eugenics'? It's not mentioned in history classes anymore, but the Third Reich considered people of inferior genetic qualities to be culled, or exterminated, based on little more than physical appearances.

Yet, discrimination continues. The credit system discriminates against people who refuse to play it, buy into it, to be a slave of it. The credit system is modern slavery. The term 'poor nigger' has a new meaning - it means fat, unattractive bald guy with a low credit score.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It figures that violence begins to break out in Egypt after only so long of peaceful protesting.

You can only wait out a short period if you are bottom class piss poor. I mean, face it. Does Hosni Mubarak get hungry while everyone waits out this peaceful protest? But the people. Yes, God Damn it, they get fucking HUNGRY. I'd get mad, too.

And, of course, you have your instigators, who always show up at protests and who almost always are AGENT PROVOCATEUR for the local government.


DIY Country Insta-Fix: Solve your crisis with these quick tips

Imagine if private landowners were constitutionally enabled to annex their adjoining or nearby land with existing Native American reservations, with the intention of allowing a defection to native culture?

Now, this may seem preposterous, but I dare say not treasonous. Just exactly how much can you safely envision nowdays without being renditioned to Guantanamo Bay?

Northern California considered splitting from southern California a few times, Northern Virginia from the sluggish runt of a capital in Richmond, but actually defecting U.S. soil to Native American reservations?

Uttering the words 'Revolt' and 'Revolution' seem dangerous too. But what gives? I learned Freedom of speech and the Constitution and all that, and now everyone is fucking scared to talk.
Is there no such thing a Philosophy anymore? The Nazi Agenda still exists, and I am afraid of it, but it does not seem to be illegal to support it and freely discuss it. But say Revolution....and what, am I headed to GBay? I Do not condone and will not engage in illegal activities, ever. I only want to make clear that Revolution was a term our founding fathers used when describing how to hold our government accountable.

I hope the Swedes don't get J.A. I said all along the Government here is gunning for him after the Bank Scandal announcement back last November.
Run Julian, ruuuuuuun...

State of the Union Address


I think pretty much everyone in the world knows Bush sold out every piece of moral and ethical fiber in his body in exchange for oil [which courses his veins and he would die without a large portion of the world's reseves on hand for transfusion, if needed]. With his credibility so utterly destroyed while holding such an office, I duly declare myself, Greg Brunty, with much less credibilty damage to my name than GWB, qualified to address the Nation, the World, and You on behalf of my country, myself, as an American, and as a Free Individual.


My fellow Revolutionists;

If you, as an individual, feel that you are simply a feeble, powerless cog in the great machinations of society, then this information is not for you. When the term 'only the strong' is used, it also includes mental faculties, and a strong, healthy and informed mind must understand realities and consider all options available that one may excersise to remain a free society. That is to say, you will accept what realities you face by resisting and ultimatley winning back your freedom and your liberties.

Ruppert stated in his documentary Collapse, "What we need is not Abraham Lincoln, we need Thomas Jefferson". America needs a REVOLUTION every 50 years to forment a purge of all the evils capitalism is known to generate. Even if you don't believe in the bible, there is an old truth that repeats itself; Jesus cracked his whip and chased the Money-Changers out of the Holy Temple. Do you think maybe he had a good reason for doing that?

Bush was our Judas. He does not even deserve the respect of a first name reference, much less a Presidential title. He is part of that dispicable class of the Human Race who feel should be included in the 10% out of 5 Billion or so who will be lucky enough to survive the coming Great Collapse. Neil Armstrong has more power than anyone, even though he himself might even realize it. If Armstrong, who has never given an interview of any kind, were to stand up and publicly admit that the Apollo mission was indead a hoax, and confirm that the military complex and secret societies are indeed in power, enough people can become truely informed and actually help rally to unite and win back our freedom, our country, our world.

The fact is, we are indeed on course for complete destruction and, like it or not, it's going to come in 2012. But we don't want to talk about it because nobody can do anything about it. The Mayans wrote the calender, but mankind somehow just seemed to make it happen. It does not matter how it happened - the fact is is it JUST FUCKING HAPPENED.

The good news is that it has not happened yet. Consider this fortune for yourself, when you don't have to consider childen or grand children of your own. I don't want to think about a day I would have to feed my kids from what grows out of the back yard because oil prices crashed the economy. Luckily, I have no kids, though I have precious nieces and a nephew. But we all have this future to face. This is because The Banks won this round. [Like when you lose at Monopoly, except, this is for real] But remember when Jesus drove the money changers from the Holy Temple; well, you know the rest. They crucified him when he was 33. But at least the Holy Temple was free of illict banking transactions on holy grounds for a time.

So our goal, when we do rein in The Banks and redistribute the wealth, should be to create 'holy ground', whole continents that operate on some alternative living, where we don't have to live around money grubbing so- called "upper class". Capitalism is good for some of you, but We despise the Money-Makes-You-Better tradition. The credit system of our time requires you to use your credit line to buy things and pay your balance in order to rank. When you qualify for that home loan [which you don't own until it's paid in full] you again pay that morgage with interest. This, in only variation, is a classic transaction scam 'money changers' have been doing for CENTURIES.

And of course $American Taxpayer Dollars$ are being used to continually fund !Wars! But somehow, We 'americans' [We don't believe in capitalizing america any longer] are funding these !Wars! and We don't want to. We are not aggressive and you cannot scare us into living our lives in continual ?Fear?. We know about your tactics and hate that you try to scare Us.

If you have any decency for your fellow man and, most of all, the future generations of your family, you will seriously consider not only the things you can do during and after a crisis, but what you can do now to learn, understand, discuss and figure aternatives with each other on how and what we can have in place in a world that at the moment is turning to shit.

The peaceful protests in Egypt scheduled between a highly coordinated working economy is the most amazing display of a culture operating as a single nation. The fact is, The Banks own Egypt, and they are the next country to be officially owned by the IMF. Forget third world countries, the mid-east is where the pressure is now.

Learn how to GROW. What makes you a better person is who you are and what people like about the things you say and do. Who you love, who you teach, who you know. Cook a meal for someone or grow a head of lettuce in your back yard and give it to your mother. Then you will truely know the meaning of happiness.

Coming Soon: 30 Rock and World of Warcraft: [working title]
The Doomsday Crystalball -or- Are they guilty of plagerism?