Tuesday, February 8, 2011

DIY Country Insta-Fix: Solve your crisis with these quick tips

Imagine if private landowners were constitutionally enabled to annex their adjoining or nearby land with existing Native American reservations, with the intention of allowing a defection to native culture?

Now, this may seem preposterous, but I dare say not treasonous. Just exactly how much can you safely envision nowdays without being renditioned to Guantanamo Bay?

Northern California considered splitting from southern California a few times, Northern Virginia from the sluggish runt of a capital in Richmond, but actually defecting U.S. soil to Native American reservations?

Uttering the words 'Revolt' and 'Revolution' seem dangerous too. But what gives? I learned Freedom of speech and the Constitution and all that, and now everyone is fucking scared to talk.
Is there no such thing a Philosophy anymore? The Nazi Agenda still exists, and I am afraid of it, but it does not seem to be illegal to support it and freely discuss it. But say Revolution....and what, am I headed to GBay? I Do not condone and will not engage in illegal activities, ever. I only want to make clear that Revolution was a term our founding fathers used when describing how to hold our government accountable.

I hope the Swedes don't get J.A. I said all along the Government here is gunning for him after the Bank Scandal announcement back last November.
Run Julian, ruuuuuuun...

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